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Guardians of the Deep

Written by on 20 October 2017


Guardians of the Deep, is a three year HLF funded project led by Kent Wildlife Trust, in partnership with the MSEP and Thanet Coast Project, with support from Natural England and Kent County Council. Its key focus is the county’s Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs), which together cover the coastline between the Medway and Swale Estuary and Folkestone, whilst its aim is to inspire and involve local communities and especially young people, in protecting and monitoring our coastal and marine wildlife, through the following activities:

Coastal Guardians

The creation of a self-sustaining Coastal Guardian network – individuals and groups of volunteers who oversee a stretch of coastline near where they live, promoting the wise-use and enjoyment of these areas.

Coastal Connections

Working with organisations responsible for protection of marine environments, and other like-minded organisations, to build awareness of, and support for, the importance of sustainable use of our marine environment.

Involving everyone in helping to promote and protect Kent’s marine environment through a variety of innovative engagement activities and online initiatives.


A programme of activities aimed at schools, along the lines of Forest Schools, but focusing on the marine environment.

Opportunities to learn about the marine environment, its value as a home for wildlife and the challenges associated with protecting it.

Undersea Explorers

Workshops to teach young people snorkelling and water safety skills in swimming pools decorated with submersible ‘marine habitat’ props, helping them understand the importance and fragility of marine life.

Coastal Citizen Science

Training  local people to take a direct role to help conserve their local natural coastal heritage.

Establishment of a north Kent Coastbusters team, to extend the Thanet Coast Project’s successful pilot Pacific oyster control programme.

Monthly survey events for volunteers to record marine wildlife around the Kent coast, with records provided to statutory bodies, to help monitor the condition of sites.

If you would like to get involved in the project within north kent, or find out further information, please contact our part-time project officer Belinda Lamb at: [email protected]