Swale Lions On BRFM
Written by karen on 20 November 2015
Swale and Sheppey Lions
Sid Morris from the Swale Lions joined breakfast presenter Pete Finch this morning on the show.
Lions are an international network of 1.3 million men and women in 200 countries and geographic areas who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities around the world. Known for working to end preventable blindness, Lions participate in a vast variety of projects important to their communities. These projects range from cleaning up local parks to providing supplies to victims of natural disasters. Beginning in 1917, the association of Lions clubs has provided millions of people with the opportunity to give something back to their communities. View LQ (Lions Quarterly Video Magazine) on the Lions News Network to see how Lions continue to make a difference everyday and everywhere.
The Lions have two major campaigns
Message In A Bottle
What is it? Its a simple idea designed to encourage people to keep their basic personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge!
What does it do? It saves the Emergency Services valuable time if they need to enter a property in an emergency situation. Not only does it help to identify who you are it also identifies if you have special medication or allergies. It is not only a potential lifesaver, but also it provides peace of mind to you, your friends and family by knowing that prompt medical treatment is provided and that the next of kin and emergency contacts are notified.
Who’s it for? Anyone. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in a community, anyone can have an accident in the home, so this scheme can benefit anyone.
Who knows about it? All Emergency Services are aware of the Message in a Bottle scheme, by displaying the green stickers in your home, the emergency services will locate the bottle in the fridge and use the forms inside to ensure you are treated quickly which can save time and save lives.
Where can I get one? You can get one from the Lions or you may find the bottles displayed in your local GP’s surgery, Local Pharmacy, If you have any difficulty locating a bottle please contact swale lions on 07951 298510
What’s in the bottle? A form you fill in with your name, medicines, allergies & relatives contact details. And also two green stickers.
Who co-ordinates the Scheme locally? Swale Lions Club . Many Lions Clubs across the Country take part in this project as well.
Lions Recycle for Sight
Changing Lives, One Pair at a Time
In just about any dresser drawer, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person’s life.
Lions Recycle for Sight
That’s why we started the Lions Recycle for Sight program. Everyone can help.
Throughout the year, Lions, Leos and other volunteers collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs). LERC volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the glasses. Most of the recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in developing countries where they will have the greatest impact.
Eyeglass Recycling – How You Can Help
If you have used eyeglasses you no longer need, you can donate them now. Lions accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children’s glasses are especially needed. BRFM will have a glasses bin at our Roadshows and studios.
For more details on Swale Lions contact Sid Morris 07951 298510
Sheppey Lions: 07725720055