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Written by on 2 March 2016


Tattoo storytelling workshop at the Student Makers’ Market at No.34 High Street.


The Stairwell Gallery: Traces by Karen Crosby

March 1 – March 31 11am-4pm



Exhibition open Tues – Fri 11am-4pm & Sat 10am-3pm until 31 March.

Exhibition Closed Mondays & Sundays


Karen Crosby’s exhibition Traces presents a series of atmospheric images documenting the site-specific projections she installed on Sittingbourne High Street in 2015.  By projecting found images from old postcards of locations in

Sittingbourne, back onto the surface of their present day location the images served as an ephemeral connection between the past and present. Revealing traces of people from the past as ghostly figures in doorways, alleyways and walls.


The Stairwell Gallery is a platform for local artists, who have been supported by Ideas Test, to showcase their work as part of a curated programme of monthly exhibitions opening on the first Saturday of every month. A complementary series of talks and workshops open to all provides an opportunity for both artist and audience to gain a greater understanding of the work.


Student Markers Market: I Love Mum @No.34

March 5 10:30am – 4pm



I Love Mum is a tribute to art and craft created by family members, from devotional tattoos to knitting, crochet and embroidery. This fabulous Mothers Day event has been created by Swale based Artists Frieda Ford, Daryl Haines, Gabrielle Hill and Jason Tyrrell and Tattooists Molly Cleland and Finn Guthrie. Family workshops a market place and performances, will entertain visitors throughout the day, where you’ll be able to make something or buy something lovely for your loved ones.And finally…


We Want Your Tattoos! Frieda Ford is collecting family tattoo’s and will be taking photo’s of tattoo’s honouring Mums, Dads, Sons and Daughters, Nans and Grandads! Please spread the word and come and show off your tattoos!


Be part of future Student Makers Markets – This market features purely Swale based makers, the SMM is also keen to invite more Medway & Swale based makers to come and talk to them about becoming part of project, there will be a stall with info and a chance to chat on the day.


Spinach: Swale & Medway Creative Meet Up @No.34

March 8 11am – 1pm



Spinach is a drop-in meet up for creatives – artists, creative industries, cultural, digital, science and techie types, anyone who fancies coming along. It’s a chance to meet some interesting people and talk about anything you want. It’s about valuing basic human conversation and connection – it’s not a business networking event. Come for a bit, or the whole two hours – whatever you like. Spinach is now being held every second Tuesday of the month, 11am-1pm at Ideas Test’s No.34 High Street, Sittingbourne.


StrangeFace Theatre: Dissonance

Kent Science Park

March 16 6:30pm



Book your ticket

Breaking Bad made for stage for one puppet with obsessive-compulsive disorder.During British Science Week, Kent-based award-winning Strangeface have teamed up with Ideas Test and the Kent Science Park to bring you a new and darkly comic work about choices we all make. Mikey, aka “The Ghost” is a hitman exposed to the parts of the brain he never thought he would see. After an accidental death, some nagging last words and a chance encounter in a steam bath he is holed up in his New York apartment trying to straighten things out. We journey through his thoughts and relive bizarre incidents from the Mexico Border to the assassination of JFK via the baby department of Toys R Us.


Dissonance is a Wellcome Trust funded piece and in development, we would love to know what you think. There will be an after show talk from the puppet playing hit man Mikey and the chance to trial a YouTube game on the why we act the way we do…

Book your ticket on Eventbrite / /


Embracing Failure – The Workshop @No.34

March 17 @ 2pm – 4:30pm

£10 – Booking opens soon, visit


Ideas Test are pleased to announce an innovative Embracing Failure workshop by Matt Matheson, part of the skills development element of our Creative Network programme at #No34. Matt’s event aims to help creative organisations of all kinds recognise patterns of behaviour in their practice that often result in failure, transforming such patterns into cues for success.


An immersive workshop, led by experienced improv practitioner Matt Matheson, introduces participants to three core principles of improvisation – Listening, saying “Yes, And”, and Commitment.


The workshop is highly active and through a series of games and storytelling mechanics, attendees will experience what it is like to celebrate and learn from ‘failing’ and break down any silos between each other caused by a fear of failure.


Matt is a professionally trained improviser, having studied in Chicago at the legendary IO Theatre. He’s a member of the Applied Improvisation Network, and regularly coaches improv troupes in the UK and beyond and has been delivering consultancy services to business clients for eight years. Find out more at / On Matthews blog / @improvchange on twitter Cyanotype workshop with Karen Crosby @No.34

March 19 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm



In this creative, fun and hands-on cyanotype workshop, artist Karen Crosby will teach you how to make photographic blueprints using the sun, objects and water.


The workshop is a simple introduction to the techniques of the early photographers who created cyanotype images by placing objects directly onto coated paper and allowing the action of light to create a silhouette effect. No previous knowledge is necessary and open to all ages. At the end each participant takes home pictures ready for framing and display.