this week incidents from the HM Coastguard Sheppey
Written by karen on 18 January 2016
this week incidents from the HM Coastguard Sheppey Call out 12.01.16 17:14 **
Herne Bay Coastguard Rescue Team (CRT) paged by Dover CGOC; Tasked to investigate a report of a red distress flare sighting in the Oar Creek area of Faversham. Whitstable Inshore Lifeboat (ILB) and Sheppey CRT also tasked. Herne Bay CRT conducted a thorough Search of Oar Creek, Hollowshore and partway along the entrance of Faversham Creek, Whitstable ILB searched the Swale, Faversham and Oar creek entrances as far as the tide would allow deploying white parachute flares as part of the search. Sheppey CRT searched the North side of the Swale from Harty Ferry Eastward. Nothing untoward found, all units stood down. Sheppey CRT back on station at 20:30
supplied by HM Coastguard Sheppey