on this week’s Daniel M N Community Show 23/1/17 @IdeasTest @SwaleFilmSoc
Written by karen on 23 January 2017
- Bethan Tomlinson Touring and Operations Manager letting us know what is happening this month at Ideas Test Swale and Medway http://ideastest.org.uk
- Helen Stock talking about january’s film from the Swale Film Society @SwaleFilmSoc Sing Street (2016), an upbeat film with a great 80s soundtrack
- A John Fryer radio play ‘The Pretty Stranger And The Middle Aged Man’ part 3 of 4
for more information on this weeks guests visit Daniel Monday night community show on BRFM website / bloghttp://dpn.me.uk/danielmn
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Daniel-Monday-Night-Community-Show-On-BRFM/118055191549943 Google+https://plus.google.com/b/112142768824592318428/+DanielMondayNightDPN/posts