on this week’s Daniel M N Community Show 5/9/16 @RNLI @marvellousmural @SwaleFilmSoc @IdeasTest
Written by karen on 5 September 2016
Ian Arnell (SBC Seafront Officer) & James Uren (RNLI Lifeguard Manager Swale & Thanet)http://rnli.org/aboutus/lifeguardsandbeaches/Pages/Lifeguards.aspx
Dean Tweedy talking about this years Chalk it up – Sittingbourne Chalk Art Festival https://www.facebook.com/chalkitupsittingbourne/?fref=ts
Stephanie Fuller Creative Enabler letting us know what is happening this month at Ideas Test Swale and Medway
Helen from the Swale Film Society https://www.facebook.com/swalefilmsociety/
for more information on this weeks guests visit Daniel Monday night community show on BRFM website / bloghttp://dpn.me.uk/danielmn