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Drink and drug driving – Summer enforcement  

Written by on 11 August 2017

Police officers have arrested 171 people during a crackdown on motorists who drive vehicles while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Every summer, Kent Police runs a campaign to target those who put themselves and others in danger by driving vehicles on roads despite being over the legal limit of alcohol or after taking controlled drugs.


The campaign coincided with the start of the summer, when there is generally an increase in traffic passing through the county.


Officers took a focused approach to target those who recklessly drink and drug drive and conducted road checks at high risk locations.

Over the month, officers across Kent arrested a total of 142 people for either driving or being in charge of a motor vehicle in excess of the prescribed alcohol limit, and 29 for being unfit to drive through drugs.


Chief Inspector Peter Steenhuis from Kent Police’s Roads Policing Unit said: `I am pleased that our officers have been able to stop a number of irresponsible drivers from potentially causing harm on Kent’s roads.


`Drivers should never get behind the wheel if they have had alcohol or are under the influence of controlled drugs as they significantly increase the chances of harming themselves and others.


`Getting a drink or drug driving conviction could cost you your driving licence, and perhaps even your job, but worse still you could be responsible for causing someone serious injury or death.


`There is no safe amount of alcohol to have in your system when driving, so if you plan to have an alcoholic drink you should make alternative arrangements to get home.’


Kent County Council Road Safety Team Leader Vicky Harvey said:  ‘Just one drink can increase the chances of having a crash, sometimes with tragic consequences for you, anyone you hit and their families.


‘Likewise with drugs – it’s not just illegal but it will impair your driving ability.


‘Both substances make it difficult to concentrate, to react in an emergency, to perceive accurately what’s going on around you and to judge properly the best course of action to avoid disaster.


‘We support police enforcement by reminding drivers throughout the year of the risks they take, whether through drink or drugs, through our educational campaigns which can be viewed at


‘The message is simple – if you’re driving, don’t drink and don’t take drugs.’


supplied by Kent Police